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Secrets Manager

Botree S3 utilities.


botree.s3.Bucket(session: Session, name: str, client_kwargs: dict = dict(), resource_kwargs: dict = dict())

AWS S3 Bucket level transactions.

Source code in botree/
def __init__(
    session: Session,
    name: str,
    client_kwargs: dict = dict(),
    resource_kwargs: dict = dict(),
): = name
    self.session = session
    self.client = self.session.client(service_name="s3", **client_kwargs)
    self.resource = self.session.resource("s3", **resource_kwargs).Bucket(


copy(source: Path, target: Path, source_bucket: Optional[str] = None, *args: Optional[str], **kwargs: Optional[str])

Copy an object stored in the bucket or from another bucket.

If source_bucket is not specified, the object is copied from the current bucket.

if target_key has no suffix, it assumes target_key is a folder and source_key file name is used.


  • source (Path) –

    source file path

  • target (Path) –

    target file path. If target_key has no suffix, it assumes target_key is a folder.

  • source_bucket (Optional[str]) –

    bucket from wich source file will be copied from, by default None

Source code in botree/
def copy(
    source: Path,
    target: Path,
    source_bucket: Optional[str] = None,
    Copy an object stored in the bucket or from another bucket.

    If source_bucket is not specified, the object is copied from the current bucket.

    if target_key has no suffix, it assumes target_key is a folder and source_key
    file name is used.

    source : Path
        source file path
    target : Path
        target file path. If target_key has no suffix, it assumes target_key
        is a folder.
    source_bucket : Optional[str], optional
        bucket from wich source file will be copied from, by default None
    copy_source = {"Bucket": source_bucket, "Key": str(source)}

    if not source_bucket:

    if not target.suffix:
        target = target /

    self.client.copy(copy_source,, str(target), **kwargs)  # type: ignore
delete(target: Path, **kwargs: Path)

Delete a file from S3.


  • target (Path) –

    remote file path.

Source code in botree/
def delete(self, target: Path, **kwargs):
    Delete a file from S3.

    target : Path
        remote file path.
    self.client.delete_object(, Key=str(target), **kwargs)
download(source: Path, target: Path, **kwargs: Path)

Download a file from S3.


  • source (Path) –

    remote file path.

  • target (Path) –

    local file path.

Source code in botree/
def download(self, source: Path, target: Path, **kwargs):
    Download a file from S3.

    source : Path
        remote file path.
    target : Path
        local file path.
    self.resource.download_file(str(source), str(target), **kwargs)
list_files(prefix: str = '', reverse: bool = False, *args: bool, **kwargs: bool) -> List[str]

List and sort (by date) all files in a given prefix.


  • prefix (str) –

    S3 prefix.

  • reverse (bool) –

    Reverse (descending) date sort, by default False


  • List[str]

    Paths to files.

Source code in botree/
def list_files(
    self, prefix: str = "", reverse: bool = False, *args, **kwargs
) -> List[str]:
    List and sort (by date) all files in a given prefix.

    prefix : str
        S3 prefix.
    reverse : bool, optional
        Reverse (descending) date sort, by default False

        Paths to files.
    response = self.client.list_objects_v2(, Prefix=prefix, Delimiter="", *args, **kwargs

    date_sorted = sorted(
        response["Contents"],  # type: ignore
        key=lambda x: x["LastModified"],  # type: ignore

    keys = [key["Key"] for key in date_sorted]  # type: ignore

    return keys
list_folders(prefix: str = '', *args: str, **kwargs: str) -> List[str]

List all folders in a given prefix.


  • prefix (str) –

    S3 prefix.


  • List[str]

    Paths to folders.

Source code in botree/
def list_folders(self, prefix: str = "", *args, **kwargs) -> List[str]:
    List all folders in a given prefix.

    prefix : str
        S3 prefix.

        Paths to folders.
    if not prefix.endswith("/"):
        prefix = prefix + "/"

    response = self.client.list_objects_v2(, Prefix=prefix, Delimiter="/", *args, **kwargs

    keys = [key["Prefix"] for key in response["CommonPrefixes"]]  # type: ignore

    return keys
paginate_objects(prefix: str = '', page_size: int = 1000) -> Generator

Return a list all objects in a bucket with specified prefix.

Paginator is useful when you have 1000s of files in S3. S3 list_objects_v2 can list at max 1000 files in one go. :return: None

Source code in botree/
def paginate_objects(self, prefix: str = "", page_size: int = 1000) -> Generator:
    Return a list all objects in a bucket with specified prefix.

    Paginator is useful when you have 1000s of files in S3.
    S3 list_objects_v2 can list at max 1000 files in one go.
    :return: None
    paginator = self.client.get_paginator("list_objects_v2")

    response = paginator.paginate(, Prefix=prefix, PaginationConfig={"PageSize": page_size}

    for page in response:
        files = page.get("Contents")
        yield files
upload(source: Path, target: Path, **kwargs: Path)

Upload a file to S3.


  • source (Path) –

    local file path.

  • target (Path) –

    remote file path.

Source code in botree/
def upload(self, source: Path, target: Path, **kwargs):
    Upload a file to S3.

    source : Path
        local file path.
    target : Path
        remote file path.
    self.resource.upload_file(str(source), str(target), **kwargs)

botree.s3.S3(session: Session, **kwargs: Session)

AWS S3 operations.

S3 class init.

Source code in botree/
def __init__(self, session: Session, **kwargs):
    """S3 class init."""
    self.session = session
    self.client = self.session.client(service_name="s3", **kwargs)


bucket(name: str, client_kwargs: dict = dict(), resource_kwargs: dict = dict()) -> Bucket

Get a bucket resource instance.

Source code in botree/
def bucket(
    name: str,
    client_kwargs: dict = dict(),
    resource_kwargs: dict = dict(),
) -> Bucket:
    """Get a bucket resource instance."""
    return Bucket(self.session, name, **client_kwargs, **resource_kwargs)
create_bucket(name: str, *args: str, **kwargs: str)

Create a bucket.

Source code in botree/
def create_bucket(self, name: str, *args, **kwargs):
    """Create a bucket."""
    self.client.create_bucket(Bucket=name, *args, **kwargs)
list_buckets() -> List[str]

Return a list of bucket names.

Source code in botree/
def list_buckets(self) -> List[str]:
    """Return a list of bucket names."""
    response = self.client.list_buckets()
    return [bucket["Name"] for bucket in response["Buckets"]]  # type: ignore